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Centre for Analytic Criminology


Journal Articles

Treiber, K. (2024). Intimate partner abuse and homicide during the COVID-19 pandemic: A situational action theory analysis. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 40(2): 290-323.

Wikström, P-O & Kroneberg, C. (2022). Analytic criminology. Mechanisms and methods in the explanation of crime and its causes. Annual Review of Criminology 5: 179-203.

Hardie, B. (2022). What do parents do? Towards conceptual clarity in the study of parental influence on adolescent behavioural outcomes. New Ideas in Psychology, 66.

Hardie, B. (2021). Reconceptualising parental monitoring within a model of goal-directed parental action. New Ideas in Psychology, 61.

Wikstrom, P-O (2019). Explaining Crime and Criminal Careers. The DEA model of Situational Action Theory. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 6: 188-203.

Hardie, B. (2019). Why monitoring doesn’t always matter: The interaction of personal propensity with physical and psychological parental presence in a situational explanation of adolescent offending. Deviant Behavior 42(3): 329-352.

Wikstrom, P-O, Mann, R. & Hardie, B. (2018). Young people's differential vulnerability to Criminogenic exposure: Bringing the gap between people- and place-orientated approaches in the study of crime causation. European Journal of Criminology 15(1): 10-31.

Perry, G., Wikström, P-O & Roman, G. (2018). Differentiating Right-Wing Extremism from Potential for Violent Extremism: The Role of Criminogenic Exposure. International Journal of Developmental Science 12: 103-113.

Hirtenlehner, H. & Treiber, K. (2017). Can situational action theory explain the gender gap in adolescent shoplifting? Results from Austria. International Criminal Justice Review 27(3): 165-187.

Wikstrom, P-O & Treiber, K. (2016). Social disadvantage and crime: A criminological puzzle. American Behavioural Scientist 60(10): 1232-1259.

Hirtenlehner, H. & Reinecke, J. (2015). Situational Action Theory, Research findings from German speaking and bordering countries. Monatsschrift fur Kriminologie und Strafrechtreform. Kluwer/Heymanns

Bertok, E., Wikstrom, P-O, Hardie, B. & Mesko, G. (2012). Parental control of teenagers in  primary and high school and related deviance. Revija za Kriminalistiko in kriminologijo 63(4): 311-320.

Wikstrom, P-O, Tseloni, A. & Karlis, D. (2011). Do People Comply with the Law Because They Fear Getting Caught? European Journal of Criminology 8(5): 401-420.

Wikstrom, P-O, Ceccato, V., Hardie, B. & Treiber, K. (2010). Activity Fields and the Dynamics of Crime. Advancing knowledge about the role of the environment in crime causation. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 26(1): 55-87.

Haar, D-H & Wikstrom, P-O (2010). Crime Propensity, Criminogenic Exposure and Violent Scenario Responses: Testing Situational Action Theory in Regression and Rasch Models. European Journal of Applied Mathematics 21(4-5): 307-323.

Wikstrom, P-O & Svensson, R. (2010). When Does Self-Control Matter? The Interaction Between Morality and Self-Control in Crime Causation. European Journal of Criminology 7(5): 393-410.

Wikstrom, P-O & Treiber, K. (2009). Violence as Situational Action. The International Journal of Conflict and Violence 3(1): 75-96.

Wikstrom, P-O (2009). Crime Propensity, Criminogenic Exposure and Crime Involvement in Early to Mid Adolescence. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtreform 92: 2/3 

Wikstrom, P-O & Svensson, R. (2008). Why are English Youths More Violent than Swedish Youths? A Comparative Study of the Role of Crime Propensity, Lifestyles and Their Interactions in Two Cities. European Journal of Criminology 5(3): 309-330.

Wikstrom, P-O & Trieber, K. (2007). The Role of Self-Control in Crime Causation. Beyond Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory of Crime. European Journal of Criminology 4(2): 237-264.

Stouthhamer-Loeber, M., Loeber, R., Farrington, D. P. & Wikström, P-O (2002). Risk and Promotive Effects in the Explanation of Persistent Serious Delinquency in Boys. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Vol. 70:111-123.

Wikstrom, P-O & Dolmén, L. (2001). Urbanisation, Neighbourhood Social Integration, Informal Social Control, Minor Social Disorder, Victimisation and Fear of Crime. International Review of Victimology 8:163-182.

Wikstrom, S. & Wikstrom, P-O (2001). Why are Single Parents More Often Threatened with Violence? A Question of Ecological Vulnerability? International Review of Victimology  8: 183-198.

Beyers. J. M., Loeber, R. Wikstrom, P-O, Stouthamer-Loeber, M. (2001). What Predicts Violence in Better-off Neighborhoods? Journal of Abnormal and Child Psychology.Vol 29 (5): 369-381.

Lynham, D. R., Caspi, A., Moffitt, T. E., Wikstrom, P-O, Loeber, R. & Novak, S. P. (2000). The interaction between impulsivity and neighbourhood context on offending: The effects of  impulsivity are stronger in poor neighborhoods. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 109: 563-574.

Wikstrom, P-O & Loeber, R. (2000). Do Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Cause Well-adjusted Children to Become Adolescent Delinquents? Criminology 38: 1109-1142.

Wikstrom, P-O & Torstensson, M. (1999). Local Crime Prevention and its National Support: Organisation and Direction. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 7: 459-481.

Eisner, M. & Wikstrom, P-O (1999), Violent Crime in the Urban Community: A comparison of Stockholm and Basel. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 7: 427-442.

Farrington, D. P., Langan, P. & Wikstrom, P-O (1994). Changes in Crime and Punishment in England, USA, and Sweden 1981-1991. Studies on Crime and Crime Prevention 3:104-131

Farrington, D. P. & Wikstrom, P-O (1993). Changes in Crime and Punishment in England and Sweden in the 1980s. Studies on Crime and Crime Prevention 2: 142-173

Wikstrom, P-O (1992a). Context-Specific Trends in Criminal Homicide in Stockholm 1951-1987.Studies on Crime and Crime Prevention 1: 88-105

Wikstrom, P-O (1992b). Cross-National Comparisons and Context-Specific Trends in Criminal Homicide. Journal of Crime and Justice 14: 71-95

McClintock, F. H. & Wikstrom, P-O (1992). The Comparative Study of Urban Violence. The British Journal of Criminology 32: 505-520

Wikstrom, P-O (1991). Housing Tenure, Social Class and Offending. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health 1:69-89.

Wikstrom, P-O (1990). Age and Crime in a Stockholm Cohort. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 6:61-84.

McClintock, F. H. & Wikstrom, P-O (1990). Violent Crime in Sweden and Scotland. The British Journal of Criminology 30: 207-228

Wikstrom, P-O & Dolmen, L. (1990). Crime and Crime Trends in Different Urban Environments. Journal of Quantitative Criminology 6: 7-29

Olsson, O. & Wikstrom, P-O (1984). Effects of the Experimental Saturday Closing of Liquor Retail Stores in Sweden. Contemporary Drug Problems: 325-353.