Book Chapters
Wikström, P-O (2022). Towards a true social ecology of crime: On the limitations of a criminology without people. In A. Liebling, J. Shapland, R. Sparks & J. Tankebe (Eds): Crime, Justice and Social Order: Essays in Honour of A. E. Bottoms. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 179-208.
Hardie, B. and Wikstrom, P-O H (2021). Space-Time Budget Methodology: Facilitating Social Ecology of Crime. In J. C. Barnes & D. R. Forde (Eds): Encyclopedia of Research Methods and Statistical Techniques in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Wiley Series of Encyclopaedias in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Wiley.
Wikström, P-O (2019). Situational Action Theory: Towards a Dynamic Theory of Crime and its Causes. In H. Pontell (Ed): Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. New York and Oxford: Oxford University.
Wikstrom P-O H. (2019) Situational Action Theory: A General, Dynamic and Mechanism-Based Theory of Crime and Its Causes. In M. D. Krohn, N. Hendrix, G. Penly Hall & A. J. Lizotte (Eds): Handbook on Crime and Deviance. Second Edition. New York. Springer verlag. 259-281.
Wikström, P-O & Wikström, S. (2019). Att förklara män och kvinnors brott. In A. Heber & L. Roxell (Eds): Att Odla Kriminologi. Perspektiv på brott & utsatthet. Festskrift till Eva Tiby. Stockholm. Stockholm University.
Wikstrom, P-O & Treiber, K. (2019). The dynamics of change: Criminogenic interactions and life course patterns in crime. In D. P. Farrington, L. Kazemian & A. Piquero (Eds): The Oxford Handbook of Developmental and Life Course Theories of Crime. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 272-294.
Wikstrom, P-O (2017) Character, Circumstances and the Causes of Crime. In A. Leibling, S. Maruna & L. McAra (Eds): The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 502-521.
Treiber, K. (2017). Biosocial criminology and models of criminal decision making. In W. Bernasco, H. Elffers, J. van Gelder (Eds): Oxford Handbook of Offender Decision Making. Oxford: OUP. 87-120.
Treiber, K. (2017) Situational action theory and PADS+: Theoretical and methodological advances in the study of life-course criminology. In A. Blokland & V. van der Geest (Eds): International Handbook of Life-Course Criminology. Routledge. 50-73.
Wikstrom, P-O & Treiber, K. (2017). Beyond risk factors: An analytical approach to crime prevention. In B. Teasdale & M. S. Bradley (Eds): Preventing crime and violence, Advances in Prevention Science Volume 2. Springer. 73-87.
Treiber, K. & Parent, G. (2017). L’utilité du budget spatio-temporel pour mieux comprendre le phénomène criminel. In D. Décary-Hétu and M. Bérubé (Eds): Délinquances et innovations. Montréal, Presses Internationales Polytechnique.
Wikstrom, P-O & Bouhana, N. (2016), Analysing radicalization and terrorism: A situational action theory. In G. LaFree & J. Freilich (Eds): Handbook of Criminology of Terrorism. Chichester. Wiley. 175-186.
Wikstrom, P-O & Treiber, K. (2015). Situational theories: The importance of interactions and action mechanisms in the explanation of crime. In A. R. Piquero (Ed): Handbook of criminological theory. Hoboken, NJ, Wiley-Blackwell. 415-444.
Wikstrom, P-O (2014a) Situational Action Theory. In G. Bruinsma & D. Weisburd (Eds): Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. New York: Springer.
Wikstrom, P-O (2014b) Why crime happens: A situational action theory. In G. Manzo (Ed): Analytical Sociology: Actions and Networks. West Sussex: Wiley. 71-94.
Treiber, K. (2013). A neuropsychological test of criminal decision making: Regional prefrontal influences in a dual process model. In J.-L. Van Gelder, H. Elffers, D. Reynauld & D. Nagin (Eds): Affect and cognition in criminal decision making. Oxon, Routledge. 193-220.
Wikstrom, P-O & Treiber, K. (2013). Towards an analytical criminology: A Situational Action Theory. In K. Boers, T. Feltes, J. Kinzig et al. (Eds): Kriminologie – Kriminalpolitik – Strafrect: Festschrift für Hans-Jürgen Kerner zum 70. Geburtstag. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck. 319-330.
Wikstrom, P-O, Treiber, K. & Hardie, B. (2012). Examining the role of the environment in crime causation: Small-area community surveys and space-time budgets. In D. Gadd, S. Karstedt and S. Messner (Eds): The SAGE Handbook of Criminological Research Methods. London, SAGE: 111-127.
Ceccato, V. & Wikstrom, P-O (2012). Tracking Social life and Crime. In V. Ceccato (Ed): The Urban Fabric of Crime and Fear. Dordrecht -Springer Netherlands. 165-190.
Wikstrom, P-O, Treiber, K. & Hardie, B. (2012). Examining the Role of the Environment in Crime Causation: Small Area Community Surveys and Space-Time Budgets. In S. Messner, D. Gadd & S. Karsted (Eds): The SAGE Handbook of Criminological Research Methods.Beverly Hills. SAGE Publications. 111-127.
Wikstrom, P-O (2012). Individuals’ situational criminal actions. In R. Loeber & B. C. Welsh (Eds): The Future of Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 55-61.
Wikstrom, P-O (2011a). Does Everything Matter? Addressing the Problem of Causation and Explanation in the Study of Crime. In J. M. McGloin, C. J. Sullivan & L. W. Kennedy (Eds): When Crime Appears: The Role of Emergence. London. Routledge. 53-72.
Wikstrom, P-O (2011b). Social Sources of Crime Propensity. A Study of the Collective Efficacy of the Family, the School and the Neighbourhood. In T. Bliesener, A. Beelmann & M. Stemmler (Eds): Antisocial behavior and crime: Contributions of theory and evaluation research to prevention and intervention. Goettingen: Hogrefe. 128-141.
Wikström, P-O (2010a). Explaining Crime as Moral Action. In S. Hitlin & S. Vaysey (Eds): Handbook of the Sociology of Morality. New York. Springer verlag. 211-239.
Wikstrom, P-O (2010b). Situational Action Theory. In F. Cullen & P Wilcox (Eds): Encyclopaedia of Criminological Theory. SAGE publications.
Wikstrom, P-O & Treiber, K. (2009). What Drives Persistent Offending. The Neglected and Unexplored Role of the Social Environment. In J. Savage (Ed): The Development of Persistent Criminality. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 389-420.
Sampson, R. J. & Wikstrom, P-O (2008). The Social Order of Violence in Chicago and Stockholm Neighbourhoods. A Comparative Inquiry. In S. N. Kalyvas, I. Shapiro & T. Masoud (Eds): Order, Conflict and Violence. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 97-119.
Oberwittler, D. & Wikstrom, P-O (2008). Why Small is Better. Advancing the study of the role of behavioral contexts in crime causation. In D. Weisburd D,, W. Bernasco & G. Bruinsma (Eds): Putting Crime in Its Place: Units of Analysis in Spatial Crime Research. New York. Springer. 35-59.
Wikstrom, P-O (2008). Problemas centrales de la teoria criminologica. In (Ed) A. Serrano Maillo: Intersecciones Teoricas en Criminologia. Madrid. Dykinson.
Wikstrom, P-O (2007a). Deterrence and Deterrence Experiences. Preventing Crime Through the Threat of Punishment. In S. G. Shoham, O. Beck & M. Kett (Eds): International Handbook of Penology and Criminal Justice. London. CRC Press. 362-397.
Wikstrom, P-O (2007b). Doing without Knowing. Common Pitfalls in Crime Prevention. In G. Farrell, K. Bowers, S. Johnson & M. Townsley (Eds): Imagination for Crime Prevention. Crime Prevention Studies Series. Monsey. New York. Criminal Justice Press. 59-80.
Wikstrom, P-O (2007c). In Search of Causes and Explanations of Crime. In R. D. King & E. Wincup (Eds): Doing Research on Crime and Justice. Second edition. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 117-140.
Wikstrom, P-O (2007d). The Social Ecology of Crime. The Role of the Environment in Crime Causation. In H. J. Schneider (Ed): Internationales Handbuch der Kriminologie. Volume 1. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter. 333-357.
Wikstrom, P-O (2006a). Individuals, Settings and Acts of Crime. Situational Mechanisms and the Explanation of Crime. In P-O Wikström & R. J. Sampson (Eds): The Explanation of Crime: Context, Mechanisms and Development. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 61-107.
Wikstrom, P-O (2006b). Personas, Entornos y Actos Delictivos: Mechanismos Situacionales y Explicación del Delito. In J. L. Gusman Dalbora & A. Serrano Maillo (Eds): Derecho Penal Y Criminología Como Fundamento De La Politica Criminal. Madrid. Dykinson.
Wikstrom, P-O (2005). The Social Origins of Pathways in Crime. Towards a Developmental Ecological Action Theory of Crime Involvement and its Changes. In D. P. Farrington (Ed): Integrated Developmental and Life-Course Theories of Offending. Advances in Criminological Theory. New Brunswick: Transaction. 211-246.
Wikstrom, P-O (2004). Crime as Alternative. Towards a Cross-level Situational Action Theory of Crime Causation. In J. McCord (Ed): Beyond Empiricism: Institutions and Intentions in the Study of Crime. Advances in Criminological Theory. New Brunswick. Transaction. 1-37.
Wikstrom, P-O & Sampson, R. J. (2003). Social Mechanisms of Community Influences in Crime and Pathways in Criminality. In B. B. Lahey, T. E. Moffitt & A. Caspi (Eds): The Causes of Conduct Disorder and Serious Juvenile Delinquency. New York: Guilford Press.
Wikstrom, P-O (1998). Communities and Crime. In M. Tonry (Ed): The Oxford Handbook of Crime and Punishment. New York: Oxford University Press.
Wikstrom, P-O (1996). Urban Neighborhoods, Victimization and Fear of Crime. In C. Fijnaut, J. Goethals, T. Peters & L. Walgrave (Eds): Changes in society ;crime and criminal justice in Europe: Volume 1: Crime and insecurity in the city. Dordrecht: Kluwer press.
Wikstrom, P-O (1996). Neighborhood Social Problems. In P. Hedström & E. Kühlhorn (Eds): Sociology through Time and Space. Essays in Honour of Carl-Gunnar Janson. Stockholm: University of Stockholm.
Wikstrom, P-O (1995). Preventing City-Centre Crime. In M. Tonry & D. P. Farrrington (Eds) Crime and Justice Vol. 19. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Janson, C-G & Wikstrom, P-O (1995). Growing up in the Welfare-State; the Social Class - Crime Relationship. In J. Hagan (Ed): Delinquency and Disrepute in the Life Course. JAI press.
Farrington, D. P. & Wikstrom, P-O (1993). Criminal Careers in London and Stockholm: A Cross-National Comparative Study. In E. Weitekamp & H-J Kerner (Eds): Cross-National and Longitudinal Research on Human Development and Criminal Behavior. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer.
Loeber, R. & Wikstrom, P-O (1993). Individual Pathways to Crime in Different Types of Neighborhoods. In D. P. Farrington, R. J. Sampson & P-O Wikström (Eds): Integrating Individual and Ecological Aspects of Crime Stockholm: Allmänna förlaget.
Farrington, D. P., Sampson, R. J. & Wikström, P-O (1993). Integrating Individual and Ecological Aspects of Crime. Stockholm: Fritzes.
Wikstrom, P-O (1990). Delinquency and the Urban Structure. In P-O Wikström (Ed): Crime and Measures Against Crime in the City. Stockholm: Allmänna förlaget.