Exploring and explaining the relationship between gender and crime: New findings from PADS+
Per-Olof Wikström, Kyle Treiber & Gabriela Roman
University of Cambridge
In this session we will characterize and then seek to explain the relationships between gender and crime across the period from adolescence into young adulthood, using data from the on-going longitudinal Peterborough Adolescent and Young Adult Development Study (PADS+) to test propositions from Situational Action Theory (SAT) relating to crime propensities, criminogenic exposure, and their interaction.
Exploring the relationship between gender and crime: Basic differences in crime involvement and its drivers
Per-Olof Wikström, University of Cambridge
This paper explores the basic relationships between gender and crime and its drivers, crime propensity and criminogenic exposure, moving beyond averages to consider differences within as well as between gender groups and implications for understanding the link between gender and crime.
Explaining gender differences in crime: How well can gender differences in crime involvement be explained by the person-environment interaction?
Kyle Treiber, University of Cambridge
This paper assesses how well gender differences in crime involvement can be explained by Situational Action Theory’s main proposition that crime involvement is the outcome of an interaction between people’s crime propensities and their criminogenic exposure. It makes use of PADS+’s unique social environmental data to highlight important differences in the nature of males’ and females’ exposure and response to criminogenic contexts.
Exploring gender differences in the drivers of crime: Developmental differences in males’ and females’ crime propensities and criminogenic exposure
Gabriela Roman, University of Cambridge
This paper will employ growth curves and longitudinal structural equation models to explore gender differences in developmental patterns of crime propensity and criminogenic exposure through adolescence and into young adulthood and their relationship to criminal careers.